List of events
Page and components events list
Page click or tap: When the page is clicked or tapped
Page double click or double tap: When the page is double-clicked or double-tapped
Page context menu (right click): When the context menu is triggered on the page, either by right-clicking or another method
Page mouse move: Fires continuously as the mouse cursor is moved around the page
Page key down: When a keyboard key is pressed
Page key up: When a keyboard key is released (after being pressed)
Window resized: When the browser window is resized (also fires when the page first loads, after Page loaded)
Page loaded: When the page first loads in the web browser
Adaptive view changed: When the current adaptive view changes due to one of the following:
- the browser window is resized
- the view is set with the Set adaptive view action
- a new view is selected in the Adaptive views dropdown in the prototype player
Window scrolled up: When the page is scrolled up
Window scrolled down: When the page is scrolled down
Window scrolled: When the page is scrolled in any direction
Variable changed: When the value of the global variable is updated by an interaction
Widget events list
All widgets
Click or tap: When the widget is clicked or tapped
Double click or double tap: When the widget is double-clicked or double-tapped
Context menu (right click): When the context menu is triggered on the widget, either by right-clicking or another method
Mouse button down: When the widget is clicked, while the mouse button is pressed down
Mouse button up: When the widget is clicked, upon the mouse button being released
Mouse move: Fires continuously as the mouse cursor is moved over the widget
Mouse enter: When the mouse cursor enters the area over the widget
Mouse exit: When the mouse cursor exits the area over the widget
Mouse hover: When the mouse cursor hovers over the widget for one second
Long click: When the mouse button is held down on the widget for one second
Key down: When a keyboard key is pressed while the widget has browser focus
Key up: When a keyboard key is released (after being pressed down) while the widget has browser focus
Moved: When the widget is moved by a Move action
Rotated: When the widget is rotated by a Rotate action
Resized: When the widget's size is changed by a Set size action
Shown: When the widget is shown by a Show or Toggle visibility action
Hidden: When the widget is hidden by a Hide or Toggle visibility action
Got focus: When the widget gets browser focus by being clicked or tabbed to, or via a Focus action
Lost focus: When the widget loses browser focus by being clicked or tabbed away from, or via a Focus action
Selected: When the widget is set to its selected state with a Set selected action or when a checkbox or radio button is clicked
Unselected: When the widget is set to its unselected state with a Set selected action or when a checkbox or radio button is clicked
Selected or unselected: When the widget's selected state changes due to a Set selected action or when a checkbox or radio button is clicked
Loaded: When the widget initially loads in the web browser (fires after Page Loaded)
Droplists and list boxes only
Text fields and text areas only
- Text changed: When the text on the text field or text area changes, either by a user typing in it or via the Set text action
Dynamic panels only
Swiped left: When the dynamic panel is swiped from right to left
Swiped right: When the dynamic panel is swiped from left to right
Swiped up: When the dynamic panel is swiped from bottom to top
Swiped down: When the dynamic panel is swiped from top to bottom
Dynamic panel
Panel state changed: When the dynamic panel's state is changed with the Set panel state action
Drag started: When you begin to drag the dynamic panel
Drag dropped: When you stop dragging the dynamic panel (fires when the mouse button is released, not when it stops moving)
Dragged: Fires continuously while the dynamic panel is being dragged
Scrolled up: When the dynamic panel is scrolled up
Scrolled down: When the dynamic panel is scrolled down
Scrolled: When the dynamic panel is scrolled in any direction