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Marking repeater rows

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to mark rows, both visually and programmatically, to be worked with later.

1. Widget setup

  1. Open a new RP file and open Page 1 on the canvas.

  2. Drag a rectangle widget onto the canvas, right-click it, and select Create repeater from the context menu.

  3. Edit the Column1 cells to be numbered from 1-3.

  4. Drag a checkbox widget onto the canvas and place it to the right of the rectangle.

  5. Set the checkbox label's text to Mark Row.

2. Mark the row when the checkbox is checked

  1. Select the checkbox widget and click New interaction in the Interactions pane.

  2. Select the Selected event in the list that appears, and then select the Mark rows action.

  3. Select the repeater widget in the Target dropdown.

  4. Leave the This radio button selected and click OK to save the action.

3. Unmark the row when the checkbox is unchecked

  1. With the checkbox widget still selected, click New interaction in the Interactions pane again.

  2. Select the Unselected event in the list that appears, and then select the Unmark rows action.

  3. Select the repeater widget in the Target dropdown.

  4. Leave the This radio button selected and click OK to save the action.

  5. Click Close at the top-right of the canvas or press ESC to close the repeater's item.

4. Delete all marked rows with a button click

  1. Drag a button widget onto the canvas and set its text to Delete Marked Rows.
  1. With the button selected, click New interaction in the Interactions pane.

  2. Select the Click or tap event in the list that appears, and then select the Delete rows action.

  3. Select the repeater widget in the Target dropdown.

  4. Select the Marked radio button and click OK to save the action.

5. Preview

  1. Preview the page and check the boxes for a few of the repeater rows.

  2. Click the "Delete marked rows" button to delete the checked rows.